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What's new. How to disable voicemail Velcom Velcom disable all additional services

What's new.  How to disable voicemail Velcom Velcom disable all additional services

How Belarusian operators make money on the gullibility of subscribers is a sore subject for many. But gullibility is not the only “sin” of clients. ARPU can also be slightly increased due to our forgetfulness and inattention.

Part one, reference


In order to find information about this service of the first GSM operator in Belarus, you will have to tinker. In the description of tariff plans, the procedure for providing services, and even in the full description of the service itself, there is not a single mention of the fact that it is automatically connected to all new subscribers.

Only the skills of Sherlock Holmes will help us find the lost link “Rules” and find among dozens of documents the one we need - “Procedure for the provision of the Melofon service.” Only there it is written that “the Melofon service is automatically assigned upon concluding an agreement for the provision of telecommunication services under velcom tariff plans (except for Internet tariff plans and special tariff plans) and PRIVET tariff plans.”

The essence of “Melofon” is this: instead of the usual beeps, callers hear different melodies, from the imperishable creations of Mikhail Bublik to the soul-touching chants of Stas Mikhailov. How many subscribers need such pleasure? Not sure. But it has been connected to every newcomer for a long time.

The cost of the service is 7,900 rubles per month. The first month is free. Not bad, especially for budget tariffs with a low monthly fee like “On the Line” (13,900 rubles). That works out to be a more than 50 percent increase in the subscription fee!

How to get rid of Stas Mikhailov? It won’t work through the ISSA - in the “Personal Account” there is no “Melofon” in the list of services. You will either have to register on the service’s website and disconnect there, or, which is easier, send an SMS with the text rbtoff to number 424. Even better, dial the USSD request *424*5*1#call.

"What's new"

Melofon was sorted out, but that’s not all. The operator also has a “What’s New” service in its arsenal. Here's what velcom itself says about it: “For your convenience, the service starts working automatically after installing a SIM card in the phone. Periodically, after completing a voice call or sending an SMS, messages on various topics appear on the mobile phone screen. If you are interested in the announcement, just click OK and read, listen, view detailed information, and also use entertainment services.”

The service itself does not provide for a subscription fee, but by accidentally or inadvertently clicking OK, you can easily, as they say, “get into money.” The service is especially dangerous for older people and children, who, without reading it carefully, can click OK to close the window, and end up paying more than a thousand rubles for news about how Taiwanese take “selfies” in bags. In this case, you may also have to pay for Internet traffic.

Getting rid of the service is not easy. Again, “Personal Account” will not help. But we still advise you to look there and activate the services “Opt-out of IVR|USSD newsletters” and “Opt-out of SMS mailings”. This will get rid of some advertising messages, but, judging by the descriptions of the services, it will not in any way affect the nature of What's New. There is also no universal SMS or USSD request to disconnect.

You can try going to the operator’s SIM menu and sequentially selecting “What’s new”, “Settings”, “Service enabled”, “Disable” and “Confirm”. However, for some reason this particular menu item was not on my phone. So the only sure and reliable way is to call the call center at 410 or 411 and ask to be relieved of the service.

Finally, another pitfall, whose name is “Voicemail”. For five years now, it has been automatically connected to all new and existing clients, having already become quite boring for some. Some people have resigned themselves to it and gotten used to listening to voice mail prompts over and over again, while others weren’t too lazy and got rid of a service they didn’t need long ago.

The danger of “Voicemail” lurks primarily for the caller. By default, voicemail forwarding is enabled if the called party is unavailable or does not answer within 30 seconds. As a result, the person making the call pays for the call according to his tariff, although he never spoke to you.

Abroad, the payment problem is easily resolved. The person is given a few non-chargeable seconds to decide whether to leave a message or not.

Let's be honest, almost all callers, when asked to leave a message using voicemail, simply hang up. In this case, as a rule, the money still manages to be written off. It turns out that you are actually paying for “air”. And even if you decide to leave a message, the chances that the called subscriber will listen to it are minimal - they would rather call you back than deal with your voice mailbox.

The service is especially dangerous abroad, when the forwarded call is paid for as an incoming and outgoing call at roaming rates.

There are several ways to get rid of voicemail. The simplest one is using a USSD request. On your phone we dial *441*1#call. Next, select the first item and cancel all conditions for call forwarding. SMS notifications about missed calls should remain.

More fine-tuning of the service is available through ISSA. Go to “Personal Assistant” and go to the “Call Forwarding” tab. Here you can select under what conditions Voicemail is allowed to fire.

Part two, practical

The journalist went to the operator's showrooms. The task is as follows: connect to an inexpensive tariff and see if they will offer us to disable third-party services and whether they will say anything at all about them. Or is it still better for the future subscriber to arm himself with knowledge before going on a trip?

It is worth noting that before this I sent the operators only three simple questions, slightly different in wording depending on the recipient. From velcom, for example, I wanted to get answers to the following questions:

  1. What additional services outside the tariff plan does a subscriber receive when connecting to velcom?
  2. For what purpose are new users automatically connected to the paid Melofon service?
  3. Does the operator inform the subscriber making the call that money will be debited from his account for a message left using Voicemail?

Almost a week of velcom was not enough to satisfy our curiosity. By the way, they also ignored questions addressed to them.

I visited the operators' salons on the same day, at approximately the same time (there was a place where the service centers of velcom, MTS, and life:) are located nearby). At velcom there was no need to wait at all - three consultants quickly cope with their work and practically prevent queues from forming.

So, I clearly formulate my goal: I want to subscribe to the “Summer Calling” tariff, they say, I chose it especially for my mother and it suits everyone. Attempts to offer something more “talkative” or “Internet” were not successful - I want a cheap tariff, and that’s it!

We must pay tribute to the consultant: he immediately warned that for terminating the contract before three months of service, you would have to pay a “penalty” of something in the region of 60,000 rubles.

A few minutes - and the contract is finalized! Surprisingly, the young man immediately suggested turning off Melofon and did it in a couple of clicks on the computer. But the consultant didn’t remember about “What’s new.” After I asked about the service, a velcom employee carefully wrote step-by-step instructions on how to disable the service on a piece of paper.

- Can’t you turn it off right now?

- Unfortunately no. You need to activate the SIM card and disable "What's New" yourself.

Overall I was pleased with the service. They connected and advised quickly, clearly, to the point and as politely as possible. I was pleasantly surprised that they got rid of Melofon immediately, without questions or reminders.

An interesting moment is associated with a call to the velcom call center when I tried to disable the “What’s New” service. The girl on the other end of the “line” noted with surprise that for some reason this automatically activated service was deactivated for me. How did this happen? After all, at the salon they told me that I could only turn it off myself. I just recently installed a SIM card in my phone and haven’t had time to do anything yet!

The operator, no less surprised than me, suggested that perhaps the service was closed during the connection. At the same time, the girl confirmed that it is impossible to deactivate “What’s new” using SMS or USSD, but it is possible through ISSA (although I didn’t have such an item in my “Personal Account”) or by calling the call center.

Well, let this little mystery remain unsolved. Be that as it may, you need to keep your eyes open, and in order not to burden your account with unnecessary expenses, it is enough to take into account a few simple recommendations given in the article:

  1. *424*5*1#call - USSD request to disable the Melofon service.
  2. *441*1*1#call - USSD request to disable forwarding to Voicemail.
  3. 410 or 411 - call the call center and ask to disable the “What’s New” service. Or you can look for the corresponding item in the operator's SIM menu.

In the following articles of the series, we will talk about how MTS and life:) take advantage of forgetfulness and inattention of subscribers, and we will also write how to disconnect from operator services that you do not need.


We will talk about the second Belarusian operator - MTS. As it turned out, the company’s arsenal of services imposed on subscribers is no less than that of its main competitor.

Part one, reference

“Toning” and “Melodies of the Day”

Let's pay tribute to MTS marketers - the company does not hide information about the music service, which is automatically activated when connecting to an operator, as carefully as velcom. You can find it in the full description of the specific tariff:

“Services Subscription fee for the “TONING” service and Subscription fee “Melodies of the day” are added to the list of subscriber services automatically when concluding a contract. At the same time, in the first 30 calendar days, the subscription fee for the “TONING” service and the subscription fee for “Melody of the Day” are not charged. After 30 days from the moment of connection, the subscription fee for the TONING and “Melodies of the Day” services is written off in full.”

As you can see, the conditions are the same - the first 30 days are free, then money automatically begins to be debited for songs and dances that sound instead of beeps. It is curious that MTS decided to divide one service into two. “Toning” allows you to replace long beeps with any sound signal, and “Melodies of the day” is the actual melody that the operator plays to the caller.

For each service there is a monthly fee of 3,600 rubles, that is, in total you will have to overpay 7,200 rubles. A little less than for Melofon from velcom. However, if you connected to “Easy to Say” with a monthly fee of 3,000 rubles, do not be surprised that the real costs will exceed this amount at least three times! An unpleasant surprise for retired parents.

We are looking for painless ways to disable both services. It won’t work through the “Internet Assistant”: both services are present in the list, but there is simply no button to deactivate them.

As it turned out, you can disconnect from “Toning” and “Melodies of the Day” for a fee and for free. The second method is less convenient and is suitable only for owners of Android devices. You need to send a USSD request *711#, after which you will receive an SMS with a link to the application. You will have to install it and search in the jungle of settings for the desired option.

You will have to pay a little for human shutdown of services. For refusal via SMS, 228 rubles will be debited from your account. But you can try to use a less expensive method of refusing imposed services. We dial *300#call, say goodbye to 60 rubles and, perhaps, rejoice in turning off Toning. “Melodies of the day” will also not work without it.

However, there may be a problem waiting for you here. For example, when I tried to unsubscribe two SIM cards from a dubious service using USSD, for two days I was greeted with the following message about an unknown error:

I had to use an SMS request. We send the word “off” to number 300. 228 rubles will be debited from the account, but you can forget about “Toning” and “Melodies of the Day”.

"Stay in touch"

Phew, we somehow sorted out the beeps. Next in line is the “Be in the know” service, an analogue of “What’s new” from velcom. If it is connected, then during the day “spam” will appear on the screen of your smartphone with an offer to read news or download a song for money. Any careless click on OK will result in money being debited from your account. It can be either a thousand rubles or ten thousand at a time.

Moreover, “Be in the know” threatens not only one-time payments for jokes, music and news, but also entire subscriptions! In the latter case, a certain amount (usually about 1,500 rubles) will be debited from the subscriber’s account every day for a certain period.

We did not find any pitfalls when disabling this service. Yes, it is also not in ISSA, but the USSD request *987*0#call comes to the rescue. This time there were no errors - we managed to get rid of two numbers at once from the intrusive service.

After this, you won’t be bothered with advertising that seems to be waiting for an inattentive subscriber. In order to completely and irrevocably protect yourself from spam from MTS, we also recommend that in “Personal Assistant” you find and activate a service called “Technological: Opting out of SMS mailings and voice advertising.”

Compared to velcom, MTS was late in automatically connecting this service. It has only been valid for two years, but many users are not even aware of its existence.

You can disable or configure the conditions for triggering voice mail in your “Personal Account” via the Internet. Go to the “Services and Services” tab, click on “Call Forwarding” and on the right side of the screen either disable call forwarding or open a menu with forwarding conditions.

We completely get rid of any redirection of anything anywhere using the ##002#call command.

Credit payment method

For some subscribers, the opportunity to pay the operator based on the money spent is a blessing, just to always stay in touch. Others are afraid that they will get into a big disadvantage, which they won’t even warn about.

If you have been transferred to the credit method of service, but you want to switch to good old prepayment with less risk, it's time to pick up the phone and dial *150*0#call. There is no need for any trips to the operator’s salon; just one USSD request solves the problem.

Last time in the article about velcom we did not mention a similar example. Let's get better! You can refuse payment upon delivery using the USSD request *145*9#call. We emphasize that in both cases you must have a positive balance in your account, otherwise nothing will work out.

“Mood” and paid short numbers

We are talking about the “information and entertainment IVR portal” of MTS. The essence of the service is as follows: you call a specific phone number and get into a menu with jokes, tests and other rubbish, which is full on the Internet, and it’s also free. The operator won’t want to entertain you for free, so for every minute you spend on this IVR portal you will have to pay 4,800 rubles.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing dangerous in the service. Nobody automatically connects you to it. But the fact is that to activate it, just dial any four digits (except the first 0, 6 and 8) and press the call button. It’s unlikely that there are many such cases, but judging by the forum, people periodically sign up for various paid offers or “hang out” for a few minutes in “Mood.”

How can this happen? Whatever! Accidental presses of a push-button telephone in your pocket, a “glitch” of a smartphone, pampering of small children, erroneous presses of elderly people...

They say that a subscriber can somehow prohibit receiving and sending messages from/to paid short numbers. In Russia, for example, MTS has a free “Content Ban” service. We honestly searched the entire Belarusian website of the operator, but did not find such a service. The MTS press service ignored the relevant question. If there is a person in the comments who knows how to cope with the scourge, we will definitely add instructions to this article.

Part two, practical

As is the case with other operators, an journalist visited an MTS communication salon. The following questions were previously sent to the company:

  1. What additional services outside the tariff plan does a subscriber receive when connecting to MTS?
  2. For what purpose are new users automatically connected to the paid services “Toning” and “Melodies of the Day”?
  3. Does the operator inform the subscriber making the call that funds will be debited from his account for a message left on the voice box?

Unfortunately, it was not possible to promptly obtain comments from the company’s press service.

The MTS store had to wait out a slight rush - people were actively buying smartphones in installments. About thirty minutes later I approach the girl and voice my intention to subscribe to the “Easy to Say” tariff plan. For parents. As in the case with velcom, I steadfastly refuse offers to look at tariffs with a larger Internet traffic package or profitable calls. No, I want the plan with the lowest subscription fee.

The connection took no more than five minutes. What about informing about connecting additional services? Unfortunately, the operator salon employees will not turn off “Be in the know”, “Toning” and “Melodies of the day” for the new subscriber. But the girl, without any reminders, immediately wrote USSD commands on the contract page to deactivate these services. Already good!

But they didn’t say in the salon that there would be a fee for refusing “Toning” and “Melodies of the Day” using USSD. Moreover, the *300#call command, as stated above, did not work. Neither with the new SIM card, nor with another, much older number, to which the company’s music services had to be connected for the sake of the experiment.

At the end of the article, we will briefly recall the steps that must be taken to disable certain services:

  1. “Toning” and “Melodies of the day”:
    • *300#call - paid USSD request to disable “Toning” and “Melodies of the day”;
    • send an SMS with the text “off” to number 300 - also a paid way to disconnect from “Toning” and “Melodies of the Day” if the USSD command does not help.
  2. *987*0#call - turn off “Stay informed”.
  3. We activate the “Technological: Opting out of SMS and voice advertising” service in “Personal Assistant” via the Internet.
  4. ##002#call - a command to prohibit any forwarding, including to “Voicemail”.
  5. *150*0#call - USSD command to return to the advance payment method. The account must have a positive balance.

In the next article of the series, we will consider the third Belarusian operator. In the comments to this article, you can tell what you don’t like about life:).

Mobile operators operating in Belarus, for example, Velcom, often inform their customers about an increase in the range of gadgets or the provision of new services by SMS. It is not surprising that many subscribers are annoyed by such actions and, sooner or later, they wonder how to disable advertising on Velcom. Not everyone knows about the existence of simple ways that do not contradict the operator’s terms and conditions to disable SMS messaging from Velcom and refuse many unnecessary services (for example, disable Melofon), and these will be discussed in this article.

Possibility to unsubscribe from mailing lists

For quite a long time, namely since 2008, the Velcom company has provided its customers with the opportunity to disable SMS messaging. The exception is messages relating to subscriber services and the fulfillment of the conditions specified in the agreement between the operator and the client. Refusal from SMS mailing is carried out through ISSA, USSD requests or submitting an application to the employees of the Velcom service point.

Disabling SMS “What’s New” from Velcom

The Wellcom operator provides its subscribers with an SMS newsletter called “What’s New”. Here's what company representatives say about this option: “For the convenience of customers, the “What's New” SMS newsletter begins to function by default after a person inserts a SIM card into his mobile phone. Regularly, after ending an incoming or outgoing call (or sending an SMS), notifications on a variety of topics pop up on the device’s display. Subscribers who are interested in the content of the SMS newsletter simply click “OK” and study the detailed information, as well as use Velcom’s entertainment services.”

There is no subscription fee for using SMS messaging, but if the user accidentally presses the “OK” button, he may suffer serious financial losses. The most vulnerable in this situation are the elderly and young children, who may, without reading the notification, confirm the action only to close the interfering window. This can lead to spending more than a thousand rubles for receiving some trivial news. You may have to pay a fee for using traffic.

It is quite difficult to disable Velcom advertising sent by SMS to your phone. This cannot be sorted out in the subscriber’s Personal Account, but it’s still worth logging in to activate the “Disable newsletter” and “Disable SMS newsletters” options.

Such actions will help disable some of the intrusive advertising on Velcom, but not the “What’s New” SMS newsletter. There is also no universal SMS or USSD request to block or completely disable unnecessary messages sent via SMS.

How to disable "What's New":

  1. Enter the Welkom sim menu.
  2. Click “What’s new” -> “Settings” -> “Service activated” -> “Disable” -> “OK”.

Judging by the reviews of Velcom subscribers, not everyone can disable SMS messaging in this way: on some mobile phones the operator menu does not have the items described above.

The only option that will definitely work is to call the call center (numbers 410,411) and ask to unsubscribe from the mailing list and turn off the “What’s New” SMS newsletter.

Disabling Melofon

Finding information about the function called “Melofon” provided by the Velcom operator is quite difficult. Description of tariffs, the procedure for connecting and disabling options, a full description of the service - none of these sections includes information that Melofon is activated by default on the numbers of all people who have recently become Velcom clients.

Only by making an effort, you can find the “Rules” section on the official website of the Velcom company, and then find the necessary one in the extensive list of documents – “Procedure for the operation of the Melofon service.”

It says here that it is connected by default immediately after concluding an agreement on the provision of communication services at Velcom tariffs (all except Internet tariffs).

Why do you need Melofon: when other people call the subscriber to whose number it is connected, instead of beeps they hear music. Naturally, not everyone needs this option, but it is connected everywhere.

Important! Using the option will cost the client 7,900 Belarusian rubles per month (only the first thirty days are free). If we recall the budget tariff offers of the Velcom operator, for example, “On the Line” with a subscription fee of 13,900 rubles, then we get an almost fifty percent increase in this amount. Therefore, it must be disabled.

It will not be possible to remove Melofon online using ISSA - the list of connected services displayed in your Personal Account does not include it.

You must disconnect in one of three ways:

  • register on a separate website of the service and switch it off there;
  • send the message “rbtoff” to 424;
  • send USSD command *425*5*1#.

Disabling Voka TV

Voka TV is a service that provides subscribers who have installed a special application on their phone with the opportunity to use it as a TV or cinema. All sessions and broadcasts are available around the clock.

The service can be used by individuals and legal entities located on the territory of Belarus and who have entered into an agreement with Welk for the provision of communication services.

How to turn off Voka TV on Velcom:

  • in the mobile application in the “Subscriptions” tab;
  • directly from the website.

A notification that the Voka TV service on Velcom has been disabled will be sent to the subscriber’s number via SMS message.
You should use the services of mobile operators as carefully as possible to avoid unnecessary expenses and connect only what you really need. To do this, it is enough to take into account the recommendations and instructions given in this material.

Sometimes our cell phone bills are higher because of services we don't really need. 42.TUT.BY has compiled a list of the most common tricks of Belarusian mobile operators and ways to avoid them.

We visited three Minsk mobile operator showrooms, connected new SIM cards, and then studied the “bouquet” of default services. At the same time, we decided to see what tariff plan the consultants would offer to an undecided buyer. To do this, we asked for “the most common tariff with calls and Internet.”

Please note that all services were connected absolutely legally with the consent of the subscriber. The problem is that an absent-minded person can notice an unnecessary paid service only six months after he “eats” a decent amount.


MTS did not impose a tariff: they showed a table with the SMART line and asked to choose it yourself. We took the cheapest “SMART light”, which for 3.9 rubles per month offers 250 minutes of calls and 250 MB of traffic (in the first months the monthly fee is lower and there are more bonuses).

Service " MTS TV" turned on the number itself. It allows you to watch TV channels using a smartphone and costs 26 kopecks per day (approximately 7.8 rubles per month). The first three months are free, after which money will be debited automatically. The specialist at the salon said that the service was available, it was visible in the contract, and after the first connection, a cheerful SMS was also received with a reminder about the “bonus from the company.” True, we still didn’t ask to connect the television.

When connecting the SIM card for the first time, “ Toning", which automatically put " Tune of the day" For some reason he chose a song with lyrics “take everything I have, just be with me here and now”. Fortunately, he was not going to write off everything - 47 kopecks for “Toning” and “Melody of the Day” every month. The first 30 days are free, then for money. True, for some reason in the online assistant the cost of both services is indicated as “0 rubles”, and I had to look for the real price and the button to disable it on a separate website.

The contract also included some “advertising mailings.” In fact it turned out to be " Stay in touch"- a mystical option that regularly sends SMS messages with advertisements for paid services. It's free, but the advertising messages are not what we expected from a new SIM card. It is impossible to find it in the Internet assistant. “For your convenience, the service starts working automatically,” explains the description on the website.

They don’t take money for this, but an inattentive person or child can accidentally answer the request and acquire a completely unnecessary service. By default, everyone has advertising; they can be disabled upon request. It is curious that other operators do not have such a “service”.


At velcom, as the “most common” one, they recommended the “About everything at once” tariff, which for 4.9 rubles per month gives 250 minutes within the velcom network, 250 SMS and 250 MB of traffic (the first months the monthly fee is less).

Automatically connected " Voice mail"- it works as an answering machine and sends SMS about missed calls. It itself is free, but there is one catch: when someone calls you and comes across a voicemail, it is charged as an outgoing call to the caller. You don't notice - the operator is making money.

Service " Melophone- a melody instead of beeps - fortunately, they didn’t connect us. True, the terms of service still state: “the service is automatically assigned upon concluding an agreement for the provision of telecommunication services according to velcom tariff plans”. For the first 30 days it is free, then it costs from 4 kopecks to 1.12 rubles per day.

The operator also has a service “ What's new", which “for your convenience, it starts working automatically after installing the SIM card in the phone”. The free service sends announcements of paid services - games, ringtones. Our SIM card avoided this fate, but there are many complaints about this service on the Internet.

How to disable

"Melofon" - *424# call

“What’s new” - via the online assistant or call center


In life:) “the most common tariff with the Internet” was understood as “the cheapest with the Internet” and they connected “S”, which for 6.5 rubles per month promises 2 GB of traffic, 100 minutes of calls to other networks and unlimited within the network.

“Included in the load” was the service “ 4G Fast and Furious 2 GB» for 2.6 rubles per month, which provides 4G traffic. The first month it is free, then it starts charging payments. Even in the salon, the consultant warned that the service was paid, and wrote directly on the contract how to disable it.

We did not find any “hidden” services in the online assistant. However, new life:) subscribers should be careful with monthly payments. The entire cost of the service package for a month is written off at a time. If you don’t have enough funds in your account (for example, 5 rubles, not 6.5), you will be subject to a “basic tariff” - paid calls within the network and very expensive Internet traffic. This will continue until there is enough money or until the account is empty.

How to disable

4G Fast and Furious - *110#

Internet subscription - anyone can get caught

All three operators have an active “Internet subscription” system - the ability to connect a paid service through a third-party website on the Internet for 20 - 30 kopecks per day (about 4 - 6 rubles per month). You can subscribe to dating, erotic videos, games or movies - we didn’t dare check all of them.

The problem is that you can stumble upon “subscription activator” links completely by accident. You may inadvertently click on a banner or misspell the address of a popular service - and a paid subscription like “Airportal” or “Prank Portal” will be added on its own and begin to deduct money.

As it turns out, a sore subject for many is how Belarusian operators make money on the gullibility of subscribers. But gullibility is not the only “sin” of clients. ARPU can also be slightly increased due to our forgetfulness and inattention.

Part one, reference


In order to find information about this service of the first GSM operator in Belarus, you will have to tinker. In the description of tariff plans, the procedure for providing services, and even in the full description of the service itself, there is not a single mention of the fact that it is automatically connected to all new subscribers.

Only the skills of Sherlock Holmes will help us find the lost link “Rules” and find among dozens of documents the one we need - “Procedure for the provision of the Melofon service.” Only there it is written that “the Melofon service is automatically assigned upon concluding an agreement for the provision of telecommunication services under velcom tariff plans (except for Internet tariff plans and special tariff plans) and PRIVET tariff plans.”

The essence of “Melofon” is this: instead of the usual beeps, callers hear different melodies, from the imperishable creations of Mikhail Bublik to the soul-touching chants of Stas Mikhailov. How many subscribers need such pleasure? Not sure. But it has been connected to every newcomer for a long time.

The cost of the service is 7,900 rubles per month. The first month is free. Not bad, especially for budget tariffs with a low monthly fee like “On the Line” (13,900 rubles). That works out to be a more than 50 percent increase in the subscription fee!

How to get rid of Stas Mikhailov? It will not work via the Internet using ISSA - in the “Personal Account” there is no “Melofon” in the list of services. You will either have to register on the service’s website and disconnect there, or, which is easier, send an SMS with the text rbtoff to number 424. Even better, dial the USSD request *424*5*1#call.

"What's new"

Melofon was sorted out, but that’s not all. The operator also has a “What’s New” service in its arsenal. Here's what velcom itself says about it: “For your convenience, the service starts working automatically after installing a SIM card in the phone. Periodically, after completing a voice call or sending an SMS, messages on various topics appear on the mobile phone screen. If you are interested in the announcement, just click OK and read, listen, view detailed information, and also use entertainment services.”

The service itself does not provide for a subscription fee, but by accidentally or inadvertently clicking OK, you can easily, as they say, “get into money.” The service is especially dangerous for older people and children, who, without reading it carefully, can click OK to close the window, and end up paying more than a thousand rubles for news about how Taiwanese take “selfies” in bags. In this case, you may also have to pay for Internet traffic.

Getting rid of the service is not easy. Again, “Personal Account” will not help. But we still advise you to look there and activate the services “Opt-out of IVR|USSD newsletters” and “Opt-out of SMS mailings”. This will get rid of some advertising messages, but, judging by the descriptions of the services, it will not in any way affect the nature of What's New. There is also no universal SMS or USSD request to disconnect.

You can try going to the operator’s SIM menu and sequentially selecting “What’s new”, “Settings”, “Service enabled”, “Disable” and “Confirm”. However, for some reason this particular menu item was not on my phone. So the only sure and reliable way is to call the call center at 410 or 411 and ask to be relieved of the service.

Finally, another pitfall, whose name is “Voicemail”. For five years now, it has been automatically connected to all new and existing clients, having already become quite boring for some. Some people have resigned themselves to it and gotten used to listening to voice mail prompts over and over again, while others weren’t too lazy and got rid of a service they didn’t need long ago.

The danger of “Voicemail” lurks primarily for the caller. By default, voicemail forwarding is enabled if the called party is unavailable or does not answer within 30 seconds. As a result, the person making the call pays for the call according to his tariff, although he never spoke to you.

Abroad, the payment problem is easily resolved. The person is given a few non-chargeable seconds to decide whether to leave a message or not.

Let's be honest, almost all callers, when asked to leave a message using voicemail, simply hang up. In this case, as a rule, the money still manages to be written off. It turns out that you are actually paying for “air”. And even if you decide to leave a message, the chances that the called subscriber will listen to it are minimal - they would rather call you back than deal with your voice mailbox.

The service is especially dangerous abroad, when the forwarded call is paid for as an incoming and outgoing call at roaming rates.

There are several ways to get rid of voicemail. The simplest one is using a USSD request. On your phone we dial *441*1#call. Next, select the first item and cancel all conditions for call forwarding. SMS notifications about missed calls should remain.

More fine-tuning of the service is available through ISSA. Go to “Personal Assistant” and go to the “Call Forwarding” tab. Here you can select under what conditions Voicemail is allowed to fire.

Part two, practical

The journalist went to the operator's showrooms. The task is as follows: connect to an inexpensive tariff and see if they will offer us to disable third-party services and whether they will say anything at all about them. Or is it still better for the future subscriber to arm himself with knowledge before going on a trip?

It is worth noting that before this I sent the operators only three simple questions, slightly different in wording depending on the recipient. From velcom, for example, I wanted to get answers to the following questions:

  1. What additional services outside the tariff plan does a subscriber receive when connecting to velcom?
  2. For what purpose are new users automatically connected to the paid Melofon service?
  3. Does the operator inform the subscriber making the call that money will be debited from his account for a message left using Voicemail?

Almost a week of velcom was not enough to satisfy our curiosity. MTS, by the way, also ignored questions addressed to them.

I visited the operators' salons on the same day, at approximately the same time (there was a place where the service centers of velcom, MTS, and life:) are located nearby). At velcom there was no need to wait at all - three consultants quickly cope with their work and practically prevent queues from forming.

So, I clearly formulate my goal: I want to subscribe to the “Summer Calling” tariff, they say, I chose it especially for my mother and it suits everyone. Attempts to offer something more “talkative” or “Internet” were not successful - I want a cheap tariff, and that’s it!

We must pay tribute to the consultant: he immediately warned that for terminating the contract before three months of service, you would have to pay a “penalty” of something in the region of 60,000 rubles.

A few minutes - and the contract is finalized! Surprisingly, the young man immediately suggested turning off Melofon and did it in a couple of clicks on the computer. But the consultant didn’t remember about “What’s new.” After I asked about the service, a velcom employee carefully wrote step-by-step instructions on how to disable the service on a piece of paper.

- Can’t you turn it off right now?

- Unfortunately no. You need to activate the SIM card and disable "What's New" yourself.

Overall I was pleased with the service. They connected and advised quickly, clearly, to the point and as politely as possible. I was pleasantly surprised that they got rid of Melofon immediately, without questions or reminders.

An interesting moment is associated with a call to the velcom call center when I tried to disable the “What’s New” service. The girl on the other end of the “line” noted with surprise that for some reason this automatically activated service was deactivated for me. How did this happen? After all, at the salon they told me that I could only turn it off myself. I just recently installed a SIM card in my phone and haven’t had time to do anything yet!

The operator, no less surprised than me, suggested that perhaps the service was closed during the connection. At the same time, the girl confirmed that it is impossible to deactivate “What’s new” using SMS or USSD, but it is possible through ISSA (although I didn’t have such an item in my “Personal Account”) or by calling the call center.

Well, let this little mystery remain unsolved. Be that as it may, you need to keep your eyes open, and in order not to burden your account with unnecessary expenses, it is enough to take into account a few simple recommendations given in the article:

  1. *424*5*1#call - USSD request to disable the Melofon service.
  2. *441*1*1#call - USSD request to disable forwarding to Voicemail.
  3. 410 or 411 - call the call center and ask to disable the “What’s New” service. Or you can look for the corresponding item in the operator's SIM menu.

In the following articles of the series, we will talk about how MTS and life:) take advantage of forgetfulness and inattention of subscribers, and we will also write how to disconnect from operator services that you do not need.

Mobile operators in Belarus take care of their subscribers and provide them with many necessary and useful services, one of which is “Voice Box” on Velcom numbers. After connecting it, the company’s client does not have to worry about missing any important calls, even if the phone turns off, or there is simply no way to pick up the phone at the moment. If a subscriber used the option for some time, and then wanted to disable “Voicemail” on Velcom, this is his choice and right. The information on how to disable Velcom’s “Voice Box” presented in this material is specifically for such clients of the company.

A function called “Voicemail” is available to subscribers using any Velcom tariff offers. You can use it for free if the standard option is intended, that is, when the client has not activated the “Plus” package.

The service works according to the following principle: the subscriber number is redirected to the Velcom company service phone. The user can choose the forwarding type independently: SIM card is not registered, subscriber does not answer, busy. To ensure that the call is forwarded if all required conditions are met, you can set the general type.

Why disable

Sometimes even a Velcom client who uses Voicemail all the time has to disable this service. For example, while you are within your region, a person is not charged for call forwarding. However, if he is in roaming, and if he has conditional forwarding enabled, he will have to pay double the cost - for both incoming and outgoing calls. This means that when a Velcom subscriber plans to go abroad for some time, it is better for him to disable Voicemail.

How to refuse Voicemail

In order to disable the option (it does not matter whether it is disabled temporarily or permanently), you need to cancel all forwarding on your phone. Instructions on how to disable “Voicemail” on Velcom:

  1. A user with access to the Velcom subscriber information system can change the list of connected functions and disable what is no longer required.
  2. Send the combination *441*1# from your mobile phone. If the operation is successful, the operator will disable the function and send an appropriate alert.
  3. In the voice communication settings, which are located in the general settings of the device, it is also possible to disable and cancel the use of “Voicemail”.

Connecting to the service and listening to messages

If mail was disabled for some time, and then the subscriber decided to reactivate it, you need to access the Welkom option menu by sending the same USSD combination *441*1. After this, all that remains is to set up call forwarding to the Velcom service number +375296000210 according to the conditions described above.

Important! Also, the phone owner can leave a greeting or appeal to callers no longer than a minute long in “Voicemail”. You can do two, but the duration remains the same: for example, one will last forty seconds, and the second – twenty.

How to listen to messages

Messages are listened to in one of two ways:

  1. Make a call to the service number.
  2. Call the public access number – +375296000201, and then indicate the unique code with “#” to the authorization information and the phone number.

The described services are also available to those who are roaming.

Once the message has been listened to, the Velcom client can:

  • save it by pressing button 3;
  • remove by pressing button 5.

Email messages are deleted only after you finish working with Voicemail. Because of this, the subscriber has the opportunity to familiarize himself with them again by going to the optional menu.

Managing Voicemail on Velcom is quite simple: you can connect and disconnect it remotely, and you don’t need to submit any applications to the company’s office. If you do not want to use this function in principle, you can refuse it immediately after purchasing and installing a SIM card in your mobile device.