
Maria drigola 12 people in contact. Maria drigola

Maria drigola 12 people in contact.  Maria drigola

Participant name: Drigola Maria

Age (birthday): 27.02.1990

City: St. Petersburg

Education: SPBUGPS EMERCOM, jurisprudence

Job: lawyer at my father's firm

Family: never married

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Maria was born into a military family. Maria's father is a retired rear admiral, and now devotes himself to working as the director of a research and production enterprise for the repair of military equipment.

Mom also holds a leadership position and is deputy director for personnel management. Maria's family lives in Turkey, owns an apartment, and communicates with her daughter only via Skype. In addition, Masha has a brother.

Masha admits that she loves small children very much. In addition to spending time with the kids, she is passionate about fashion shows, loves go-karting, and swimming in the pool. His bad habits include excessive love for cakes and sweets.

Before the project, the girl dated a young guy from a rich family. Their relationship lasted for nine months.

But Masha decided to break up with him because of his difficult behavior. He believed that money would allow him to buy everyone.

The guy showered Masha with gifts, invited her to go live with him in another country, but at the same time set the conditions that the girl would have to stop communicating with her loved ones forever.

On the “Bachelor” project she established herself as an honest, sweet and open-to-communication girl. Maria became the winner of the project, and Max presented her with a bouquet of white roses and a ring on her finger with words of declaration of love. Later the couple separated.

Masha Drigola is a sweet, kind and sincere girl. She grew up in St. Petersburg in the family of a rear admiral. Maria graduated from the university with a degree in law and worked for some time in her father’s company. Disappointed in love, at the persuasion of her mother and brother, she went to the casting of the show “Bachelor 2”. The organizers of the project decided that such a charming girl with a naive look, modest behavior and stunning appearance was suitable for them.

It was not at all easy for Maria at the show. The girl, closed by nature, for a long time could not join the team and express herself. Other participants often expressed the opinion that Masha was not suitable for either the show or Maxim; they called her “a suitcase without a handle - and it would be a pity to throw it away and there is nothing to drag it with.” But they were all wrong. Maria Drigola won the heart of Maxim Chernyavsky and after the show they began their love story without television cameras.

Maria Drigola is quite inactive on Instagram. Due to her modesty, she does not want to cover all the events in front of a large audience. Now Masha Drigol has only 64 posts on her Instagram account for almost 130,000 subscribers. But under each photo of Maria, her subscribers leave comments, ask questions, and write compliments. She tries to answer everyone, address everyone, and thank everyone for their kind words. It is really noticeable that Masha is a very kind and bright person.

On Instagram, Masha Drigola posts photos of herself, or reposts from Maxim’s Instagram. The girl smiles tenderly from the screen, covering her brown eyes with bangs. She does not show off her new dresses or luxury cars, does not flaunt her body or chic makeup with elongated lips. Maria on Instagram is the same ordinary girl who found her love, continues to live and tries to be happy.

Maria Drigola registered her Instagram account in March 2014 under the nickname @mariiadrigola. Perhaps Masha previously had another Instagram, but she deleted it and her life before the project was left without photo reports on the Internet. Recently, Maria Drigola’s activity on Instagram has increased. Most likely, we will continue to be able to watch the girl and the love story between Maxim Chernyavsky and Masha.

Initially, all her photos were joyful and cheerful, but due to the breakup with a bachelor, comments with sad content were written on Instagram. It was at this time that the girl felt the love and support of her fans.

Today, more than 120 thousand people have subscribed to the champion bride. The reaction to the ex-participant is ambiguous among many, but still she was able to attract the attention of not only the millionaire, but also a huge number of people.

Instagram full of charm

After viewing Instagram (@ mariiadrigola), it becomes clear why Maria became the winner of one of the most popular shows. And here not only good looks play a role, but also sincerity and warmth, which is visible in every photograph of Drigola. The girl is just nice to watch as she poses for Instagram:

  • In a swimsuit in the pool, by the sea.
  • Shows off her magnificent figure, barely covering it with a light, tight-fitting dress.
  • In the car and at the bowling club.
  • In a huge supermarket.

Her photos on Instagram collect a huge number of likes and many comments. Even if Maria Drigola doesn’t post a huge number of pictures, they are all different and beautiful. Mostly shots taken on a mobile phone, but there are a few photos on Instagram that were made by the hand of a master. You can view all the latest works of the famous winner of the show “The Bachelor” on our website. Only new photos of celebrities are presented here.

Lately, Masha Drigola has been updating Instagram much more often than before. Perhaps she was caught up in the general obsession with social networks and self-interest. But even if this is the case, Maria posts exceptionally cute and feminine photos on Instagram that collect a lot of likes.

Every unmarried girl dreams of being on the most romantic television project in the country. There are dates with the ideal man, serial intrigues, filming in fabulous and sometimes exotic places and instant fame. If you fail to improve your personal life, you will return home as at least a hero with an army of fans and offers to post cosmetics or designer dresses on your account for a decent amount of money. For many, “The Bachelor” has become a serious launching pad for career growth or starting their own business. The main thing is that even years later, the participants are remembered, and their future fate is discussed and willingly interested in through social networks.

The other side of the project is less pleasant. Television relationships, the winners of the show, do not receive the desired continuation in real life. For some, feelings end after just six months, while for others immediately after the completion of the project. Without cameras, the “lovers” cease to be interested in each other, move away and, at best, remain acquaintances. It has already been written many times that not one of the show participants around the world has married his chosen one. Last week, two couples from the show “The Bachelor” announced an unexpected breakup - Maxim Chernyavsky with Maria Drigola and Timur Batrutdinov with Daria Kananukha. “StarHit” tried to find out why lovers fail to build happy and strong families after the end of the popular project.


Of all the contenders, the 34-year-old football player, who played for the Ukrainian national team and in several Dutch clubs, as well as the model and the most stylish athlete in the Netherlands chose the 31-year-old blonde, creative producer Olesya Ermakova. Viewers watched the couple's relationship with bated breath. Many understood in advance that Olesya was the only one Zhenya really liked.

Rumors that Olesya and Evgeniy were together began to circulate long before the show’s finale. Some sources reported that the reality heroes decided not to wait for the finale and got married right during the project. Allegedly, in the final episodes, Olesya was shown from the waist up, so that no one could see her rounded tummy. Viewers hoped with hope that they would see their real wedding in the finale.
But in the finale, which was filmed in Paris, there were two participants. Besides Olesya, brunette Irina Volodchenko passed. The girls themselves had to invite Evgeniy on a date. The bachelor was faced with a painful choice - which of the two finalists should give the engagement ring.

Evgeny had a hard time on his date with Olesya. The girl laid out porcelain fragments in various places, which the groom, using the clues, had to collect and find his bride. On the screen, Evgeniy coped with the task, but in real life he failed to put together all the pieces of a happy family life. Three months after the end of the show, Evgeniy, living in Holland, wrote on a social network: “Living in two countries has become an obstacle.”
“We talked for some time after the breakup, but now we are not on the same path. Now in my thoughts I practically never return to him and to our beautiful story,” Olesya Ermakova commented on the revelations of bachelor No. 1. “For me, this is in the past. We truly truly loved each other. But at some point we suddenly realized that one of us lives in one country, the other in another, and this, in the end, killed our relationship.”

Already at the beginning of 2014, Olesya was proposed to by her friend from London. The young man turned out to be the girl’s first love, with whom fate brought her together again after the end of the television project. The young man does not know Russian, and his chosen one categorically forbade him from watching a reality show with Olesya’s participation.


It seemed that no one could charm the ex-wife of the ex-soloist of Via Gra, Anna Sedokova. Los Angeles-based entrepreneur Maxim has a good eye for girls. And most importantly, the future wife should please not only him and his parents, but also his little daughter, Monica. Masha Drigola, a 23-year-old graduate of the law faculty of SPBUGPS EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, came to the project to meet true love and almost immediately captivated the bachelor with her sincerity and modesty. Fans of “The Bachelor” declassified the winner’s candidacy almost immediately.

Masha posted photos on social networks from the places where Maxim was photographed. After the show, the lovers had everything for real. Fan groups were loudly trumpeting about the upcoming wedding and confirmed everything with joint photographs. Maria could fly to her lover in America from St. Petersburg, because she had the opportunity to work remotely as a lawyer in her father’s company, which was engaged in the sale and repair of military equipment.

Months after the show, Maxim tenderly hugged Masha in public, fed her ice cream and told how his house was slowly filling up with her things, his daughter called his chosen one Mashenka, and.

“For three months, as long as the show lasted, we were under constant camera scrutiny, in front of the whole country. And Masha is tired of this. She is basically not a public person. Just look at her Instagram; she rarely even posts photos there. And he asks me not to post pictures with her on my social networks. Therefore, no one can say where and how we spend time together, so they come up with ideas,” Maxim said in an interview with StarHit. - It’s hard for Masha, she is attached to her family. But I don’t want and I don’t put pressure, everything should happen naturally. Therefore, now she flies to me once a month. This suits us. When you start dating and living together, you are faced with the fact that you may not like everything about a person. Not everything is perfect with us either, but we are working on ourselves, changing for each other. For example, now Masha has become more relaxed.”

// Photo: Personal archive of Maxim Chernyavsky

At first glance, everything was going well for the couple's wedding. But a few months later, fans sensed something was wrong, which they gushed about on social media. Maxim and Maria appeared together only at the recording of the New Year's show. It was clear from their faces that this was just work.
The couple spent Catholic Christmas, Orthodox Christmas and Valentine's Day apart and did not want to find a moment to spend at least a few days with each other. Soon Masha unexpectedly became animated on Instagram and began posting many pictures, which contradicted her fiancé’s statements about her dislike of publicity. Fans began to be embarrassed that during all this time Masha did not post a single photo with Max and did not mention a word about their relationship. Even on the bachelor’s birthday, Masha responded dryly on social networks: “My dear friends! Today we don’t forget to wish Max a happy birthday!”
Apparently, Maxim himself put an end to their relationship, analyzing the achievements over the last year that brought him joy, he did not remember Drigol. “The most important thing is that I already have an incredible daughter, who is three years old! She is my main treasure, and every time I look at her, I cannot believe my happiness. There are many achievements and business victories behind us, and even more ambitious goals are ahead! I was very lucky and I found a business that I love... and at the same time it turned out to be indecently profitable,” wrote Chernyavsky.
In February, Masha posted a poem on social networks that she wrote herself. From it, fans understood that something had gone wrong in the couple’s relationship. And in November, Maxim openly admitted in an interview that their relationship with Drigola was a thing of the past. “At some point we realized that maintaining a long-distance relationship is extremely difficult. And she couldn’t move in with me, because she values ​​her family very much,” concluded Chernyavsky.


From the very beginning of the project, the student of the Faculty of Economics at Kazan University kept her distance from the other participants, which aroused distrust among everyone. She didn’t share her dates with Timur with almost any of the girls. In the final episode, for the first time in the history of the project, an intimate scene occurred between the bachelor and the finalist. After this, many claimed that this was precisely the reason why Timur, as an honest and educated person, chose Dasha as the winner. Together with Dasha, Galina Rzhaksenskaya was in the final, whose victory was predicted by everyone. Timur admitted that after meeting his relatives, Galya was unanimously liked by everyone without exception. Therefore, after the final episode of the project, the show continued for a long time.

Once Daria said that she and Timur remained good friends, and even when he came to Kazan on tour, he always met with her, and they had a pleasant time. It was not customary for the couple to take photographs together. Only when fans had questions, Dasha, in addition to advertising posts, posted on Instagram old photographs with Timur or a photo of a hand with a ring given to him. After finishing filming the project, Timur accidentally mentioned that the only woman in his life was still his mother Natalya Evgenievna.

// Photo: Shot from the show “The Bachelor”

In August, Comedy Club Aqua was filmed in Dasha Kananukha’s hometown. She was invited among the guests of honor. By chance, her rival on the show, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, was among the guests. At that time, the girls, to put it mildly, did not communicate. Galya insisted that she had not come to meet Timur, but only to the closing of the World Aquatics Championships. During Dasha's performance by Pasha Volya, Timur appeared on stage with a bouquet of roses, which he presented to Dasha and kissed her on the cheek. After which he approached Galina and, as in the project, gave her a rose. The embarrassed girl did not answer, and the moment itself was not included in the television version of the program. Dasha was so shocked by the action of the television groom that she hastily left the hall, after which, as if nothing had happened, she returned back. The next day, to the delight of her fans, Dasha posted a photo with Timur taken at the entrance to the hotel where he was staying. The next day, Galina Rzhaksenskaya had a meeting with fans in Kazan, at which she admitted that of all the participants, Timur most of all does not adhere to the terms of the contract. “Otherwise, why would he say that while Dasha was defending her diploma, I visited him at his home?” , - Galina was indignant.

// Photo: Shot from the show “The Bachelor”

At the Kazan casting of the show “DANCES” - in the hometown of Dasha Kananukha - Timur, without hesitation, flirted with the participants, complimented their forms and even asked for a phone number. “Kazan is the birthplace of slender figures and waists. I'm happy for my fellow countrywoman! - Timur commented on the appearance of the dancer on stage with 26-year-old Leysan Ismagilova. - Oh, are you from Ufa? Well, then I’m ready to become your fellow countryman!”
In early November, Daria opened an etiquette and personal growth studio, and soon she announced in the Periscope app that she and the showman had parted ways.

Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola were one of the cutest couples in the entire history of the Bachelor project. Unfortunately, a year later the young people broke up, but fans still admire their relationship at a time when the lovers were still together.

Maxim's life before the project

The main character of the Bachelor project (season 2) was raised by his mother and grandmother. Now he is a successful businessman, lives in California, and also has a mansion in Kyiv. Few people know that Maxim owes his professional success to his grandmother. This strong woman founded a huge chain of construction stores and was even awarded the Person of the Year award.

When Chernyavsky turned 19 and studied at the Kiev University of Trade and Economics, his grandmother entrusted the guy with the management of one of her stores. By the way, she named her network “Maxi”, in honor of her beloved grandson. Until now, Chernyavsky continues to work on the construction business, but now Max is managing his own project.

It is known that in 2011 Maxim married Anna Sedokova. At that time, the girl already had a child, but this did not bother the guy at all. Chernyavsky repeatedly said in his interviews that he considered Alina his own daughter. Six months after the wedding, Monica was born to the couple. At this time, the couple lived in Los Angeles. Anna, who was extremely popular both in Russia and in other CIS countries, was unable to achieve fame in California.

Then she received an invitation to work in her homeland and left Maxim. According to the guy himself, he understood that his wife could not be content with the life of a housewife, so he let Sedokova go to Moscow. In 2013, it became known that the couple were divorcing. A year after this, Chernyavsky starred in season 2 of “The Bachelor.”

Who is Maria Drigola?

Unlike Maxim, nothing was known about Masha before participating in Season 2 of The Bachelor. Her father was a former admiral and now heads a research and production company that repairs military equipment. The girl’s mother also works there. When Drigola graduated as a lawyer, there was also a place for her in her father’s company.

Little is known about Masha’s past relationships. During the project, the girl herself said that she had previously been preparing for a wedding with one guy. Since the former lover came from a very rich family, he thought that he could even acquire a person, but Drigola did not think so. One day a guy invited Maria to move with him to Bulgaria, but on the condition that she no longer communicate with her family. It is not known why the ex-boyfriend was opposed to Drigola’s family, but this was precisely the reason for the separation.

The girl went to the project solely because of the persuasion of her mother and younger brother. Relatives said that she would still be able to have a good time, even if nothing worked out with the bachelor. Masha herself joked at the casting that she had never been to children’s camps, where everyone was constantly competing, and it was “The Bachelor” that could fill this gap.

Love story

An unusual connection appeared between Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola from the very beginning of the project, and over time it only strengthened. Despite this, being on the show was not easy for the girl. The competitors, as soon as they saw that Masha was soft and in many ways naive, began to put pressure on her. One of the participants, Natalya Dolgopolova, endlessly asserted that for a bachelor, Maria Drigola is no more than a suitcase without a handle: it would be a pity to throw it away, but it would not be easy to carry it either.

Despite such statements, Natasha left the project in the third week, and Masha reached the finals and became the winner.

In the final, Maxim had to choose between Masha and Alena Pavlova. The girls are completely different from each other, and the guy understood this. Maxim knew that his life would be dynamic and very dramatic if he chose Alena, but he was attracted to Masha by something completely different. He saw how much tenderness, kindness and calm there was in Drigol. Maxim also admitted that the girl knows how to enjoy little things and she can definitely be happy with him. Of course, Chernyavsky was worried whether Maria was ready for a serious relationship, but he overcame his doubts.

How did the lovers' relationship develop after the show?

After the show, Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola appeared together in the last episode. It was dedicated to discussing how the fates of the participants turned out after “The Bachelor.”

Viewers saw a short video about the life of a couple, and also learned about the most in love and answers to all their questions. According to Maxim and Masha, they are happy together. For now, the former participants of the show live separately, but the girl very often comes to her beloved in Los Angeles.

Maxim also met a girl in Turkey, where she was vacationing with her family. Much to the surprise of fans, the couple did not post many photos together, which is why fans thought that not everything in the lovers’ relationship was as smooth as they say. The rumors were denied by actress Olga Rodina. The girl said that she met with lovers in Moscow. Despite the fact that a year had passed since the end of the project, the couple looked just as cute as they did on “The Bachelor.” Olga also added that all evening she simply admired how they spoon-fed each other.

Maria and Maxim justify the lack of photographs by saying that the girl does not like publicity and is simply embarrassed to put her life on display.

Couple separation

In the fall of 2015, it became known that the couple had broken up. The love story of Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola has come to an end. The guy decided to give an interview to tell fans what really happened.

According to Maxim, what happened between the lovers was real, sincere. The guy even previously told reporters that he really wants to marry Drigol. However, if everything was exactly like this, why did the connection between the lovers disappear?

It turns out that distance ruined the amazing love story: Masha lives in Russia, and Maxim lives in Los Angeles. Of course, the couple kept in touch, often seeing each other on vacation, either in California or in Moscow, but over time it became more and more difficult to maintain feelings. Chernyavsky repeatedly asked Maria to move in with him, but it turned out that the girl was not ready for such a step. Drigola explains this by her attachment to her family, from whom she simply cannot imagine being separated. The reaction from fans was very mixed. Many fans accused Maria of being childish. At her age, she should have separated from her parents long ago and started her own family. Viewers of season 2 of “The Bachelor” are also sure that Maxim would help his lover keep in touch with her family.

Personal life of former lovers

After the separation, almost nothing is known about the personal lives of Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria. The girl does not publish photos with men, except with her younger brother. Maxim can be seen in photographs in the company of girls, but the guy himself says that his heart is free.